Top 10 Best Blogging Platform to Create Blog & Make Money in 2017

Blogging is growing day by day and most of the internet users have a dream to create a blog, led by the idea of Make Money Blogging. But the dream is one thing while executing is another. There are many best blogging platforms are available on the internet which allows you to create a blog without any cost while some of them are paid. Some people don’t know what is blog (if you),
Blog is personal website or webpage on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc or a website and portals which share information on specific topic or wider categories. It generally includes features like blog posts, comments, video, link to other websites.
Various websites are available which offers you to make user-friendly and more attractive blog without paying a single penny. Do you wanna create your own blog? If yes then look at the list of Top 11 Awesome Blogging Platform which I have shown in this article. I hope this article will make more people more interested in blogging.

Top 10 Blogging Platforms to Start Blog

Top Best Blogging Platforms

#1 Blogger: Free Blogging Platform by Google

Blogger is one of the Well-known blog publishing service. It was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. These are hosted by Google at sub-domain of Since it is Google product, so it’s trustworthy, highly secured and more reliable.
Blogger is the full free blogging platform where anyone can create a blog without having knowledge of programming language. If you’re thinking to start a new blog, I highly recommend to go with Almost every new blogger starts blogging from and after gaining experience and skill, you can then move to WordPress.

#2 WordPress: Powerful Self-Hosted Blogging Platform

WordPress is super-flexible for anyone whether you wanna create blog or website. It is my second choice in the blogging platform. WordPress is available in both Free as well as Paid service. The Free service has limited features, generally half of
At the same time, Paid service is awesome and better than Blogger, you can customize you blog as you want, You will have full control to your Blog. It opened to beta testers on August 8, 2005 and opened to the public on 21 November, 2005. If you want to make a website or start blogging then you can start with WordPress.

#3 Tumblr: Another Best Blogging Platform

Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social network website founded by David Karp in February 2007 and owned by Yahoo! Inc. Tumblr can be easily top listed under Top 10 Blogging Platform
In April 2013, It received more than 13 billion global page views.
As of January 1, 2015, Tumblr hosts over 216.9 million blogs, more than 99.8 billion posts in total and over 88 million posts were created on the site each day.

#4 Weebly:

Weebly is one of the simplest blogging platform to start a new blog. It is co-founded in 2006 by David Rusenko(CEO), Chris Fanini(CTO), and Dan Veltri(COO). It’s Headquarter in San Francisco. Weebly offers tons of unique and modern themes to create a blog. It also offers ecommerce, an iPhone apps for posting and easy linking to your social media.
As of August 2012, It hosts over 20 million sites with a monthly rate of over 1 million unique visitors.

#5 Joomla:

Joomla, founded in August 17, 2005 is a free, Advanced and open source Content Management System(CMS) for blogger or developers to publish web content. Joomla is written in PHP and will give you some features same as WordPress give. It is also the Best Blogging platform.

#6 Blog.Com is one of the famous blogging platform to create professional blog. You’re free to start your blog here and you’ll be able to choose from several themes for your blog. If you want, you can also upgrade to their premium package for premium features (own domain etc.).


Medium is founded in 2012 by Twitter founders Ev Williams and Biz Stone. Just great place to showcase your content to a large audience but lack of customization, some content discovery issues  for writers. It is free but still low user-ship. There is currently no app for composting posts on mobile devices but a ready only app are available for iOS.

#8 Live Journal

Live Journal is also best blogging platform and can be recommended for blogging, journaling, writing a diary. It is founded in April 15th, 1999 by American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick as a way of keeping his high school friends updated on his activities.

#9 Quora:

Quora is released in June 21, 2010. It is free and less customization but your friend might be surprised to see popular question & answer site because Quora feature here. So, Quora is recommended for Question and Answer based website/blog.

#10 Drupal:

Drupal is founded in January 2001 by Dries Buytaert. It offers tons of free Add-ons, free & premium themes via Drupal Theme Garden. Drupal  is also best platform for Blogging, Content Management, Web Applications. Interested? Go with Drupal.


#11 BlogPico:

If you want to create an AdSense ready blog then BlogPico may be the another best platform for you. It also allows users to place ads while blogging so, you can easily implement Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network code on your blog.


In this article I have shared a list of Top 11 Best Blogging Platforms where anyone can Start Bloggingbut I still recommend to use Blogger because its Free and very easy to use. As already said it’s Google product so, its highly secured. Also, many new blogger doesn’t want to pay a single Rupee for hosting and others. Hope you like our work on TricksBest, Stay with us for more Fresh article and don’t forget to comment which one is your Favorite Blogging Platform.